Ruby Challenges
This page is in support of my ongoing training efforts with the West Michigan Ruby Users Group. Check back for new challenges!
- ASCII Art with Sinatra A fun twist on the “Hello, World” app, using the simple, fast Sinatra web server.
- Output “Hello, World!” in your browser.
- Style it up a bit using the Artii gem. Hint: the output is HTML… investigate the “pre” tag.
- Let people supply their name in the URL and see a personalized ASCII greeting.
- Display a list of all users who have been greeted using Ruby’s built-in YAML::Store library.
- To-Do App with Rails There are 3 flavors of this challenge, varying by how much they leverage the front-end.
- Traditional: Do everything in straight Rails, using scaffolds and full page refreshes.
- jQuery-Driven: Use your Rails app to display the initial page and maintain state, but do all the data manipulation in the browser using the jQuery JavaScript framework.
- AngularJS-Driven: this interesting framework from Google allows you to bind elements on the page directly to data components… no more jQuery selects to find your elements!